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Parshat Va-Y’hi

This week’s parsha, Va-Yiggash, brings a dramatic, poignant and joyous conclusion to the story of Joseph and his dysfunctional family. Judah pleads with Joseph not to punish Benjamin for stealing the goblet that was found in the youngest brother’s sac because “‘of the woe that would overtake my father!’... “Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendants, and he cried out, ‘Have everyone withdraw from me!’ So there was no one else about when Joseph himself known to his brothers.” And just like that, Joseph forgave them for selling him into slavery, telling the fearful brothers that his journey from slave to leader was part of G-d’s plan and thus they should not be blamed. “‘...It was to save life that G-d sent me ahead of you.’” The brothers return to Jacob with the miraculous news about his lost son Joseph, bringing Jacob and all their households back to Egypt with them. “Thus Israel settled in the country of Egypt, in the region of Goshen; they acquired holdings in it, and were fertile and increased greatly.”

Since Caleb, must to his chagrin, has three sisters and no brother, he is pictured here with one of his favorite family guys, his cousin Ezri.

Shabbat Shalom!

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